Versatile finishing facility capable of processing both tubular and open width fabrics.
Specialize in body size knitting.
Precise fabric development by using starfish software.
Production capacity for knitting and dyeing fabric is 10,000 kg per day.
Vertical integration of in-house yarn spinning enables efficient control over raw material, resulting in efficient lead-time.
Capable of extending R&D support to customers for new developments and upgrading their existing products.
Lycra assured by DuPont, to develop and manufacture stretch products.
WRAP compliance by CSCC.
Effluent treatment plant ensuring global environmental requirements with out put of 120.
Single jersey (120-220 GSM)
Interlock (180-250 GSM)
Pique (180-240 GSM)
3&2 thread fleece (250-380 GSM)
1x1 lycra rib (180-400 GSM)
100% cotton
Polyester cotton
Cool max R
Fiber dyed cotton/poly cotton blends
UV-cut polyesters
PVA/hollow yarns
Thermolite R
Water repellent Teflon
Soil release Teflon
Moisture management
Silk finish
89 knitting machines from ‘Mayer’ ‘Camber’ & ‘Terrot’.
High temperature soft flow. Controlled by centralized computer system.
Squeezers and dryers from ‘santax’.
Compactors from ‘Tubetex’ (American) and ‘Ferraro’ (Italian).
Brushing machines from ‘Lamperti’ (Italian) and ‘Riley’ (British).
Stenter from ‘Monforts’ (German) for Open-width finishing (2.51 yards).
We believe in total quality starting from procurement of quality raw material, quality at each production stage & at the completion of production process.